Saturday, February 5, 2011

Coral Bay:

We had just dropped the pick off the north side of Mauds Point, near Coral Bay. There was a bit of a swell so it was a bit roley-poley, but a very beautiful spot all the same. We entered through the reef for Mauds at 0715 this morning, having left Carnarvon at 1100 the previous day. Initially we headed for Stanley Pool, but quickly found that where there should be 13M was actually only 3M.
Elevation was anchored next to us, and later tat evening we worked on our next passage plan over a few red cordials.

As far as the fishing goes so far, it’s Fish = 4 and Catcha Star = 1. The only fish we have caught that was edible and legal was a Skippy, very nice too. Other fish that we have caught and returned include undersize pink snapper, Spanish Mackerel and a due fish. 
We also jagged a Dog Tuner and a 1.5M shark. The fish have so far taken four lures at $35 each, we recon fish and chips are a bargain. 
The swell at Mauds Point was very uncomfortable, we moved further around the point to a less rolly anchorage. 

The next morning Paul noticed that the two public moorings were vacant, so we moved onto them and enjoyed another five nights in Coral Bay before setting sail at 0730 on Sunday 30th May. In that time we only went ashore once, we found everything to be very expensive and low quality.