Thursday, February 10, 2011

Jar Island

Fri 28th Aug 2010:

Having left Fresh Water Bay we are today at Jar Island, in search of some ancient Aboriginal Bradshaw artwork. 

The climb up to the caves where the drawings are took us two attempts, the first route we tried 
was over the top…… No Go. 

The only other alternative was to wade through the knee deep water. Paul and I klimbed onto large rocks and scouted around for any Handbags, the water was crystal clear. 

It was after we had made it back to the beach that someone remembered that Bruce had said something about going ashore at low tide!!!! Thanks Bruce, if only we had taken notes.  

Just on the outskirt of a large salt pan there is also the wreckage of an old world war II DC3. In hindsight I was possibly more keen than Cathy to find this little treasure. 

We searched what we thought was the correct salt pan for about two hours, only to discover that we were about 2nm south of the correct salt pan........ The one with the "Steel Pipe" land mark, that can be seen on the hill, from the ocean!!

They say that when the Bohab trees start to flower, it is time to get out of The Kimberley, the wet season is on it's way. The Bohab’s weren’t flowering yet, but the wild flowers were starting to blossom.